Saturday, June 22, 2019

Rush Hour Fairy

A tiny green woman with huge bug eyes was buzzing around my car with her little dragonfly wings as I blasted the 80's nostalgia station in rush hour traffic on 280 North from Palo Alto to San Francisco. She doesn't show up unless she has something important to say, and I knew why she was there.

She plunked herself right down in the middle of the dashboard and had a seat. She usually doesn't sit down, but I guess even mythical beings or creatures from other dimensions or whatever you want to call her get older. I could tell she liked the car. You wouldn't think fairies would be materialistic, but mine has a thing for cars, she always has.

Luckily she didn't take her full corporial form this time, which was considerate, I'm pretty sure even with traffic going slowly she would be pretty distracting, especially her penchant for wearing transparent dresses. That would keep her out of the G-rated movies that usually portray fairies. She's more of a Pan's Labyrinth type fairy. That movie freaked me out because I always knew she was real, I kept trying to forget she was real. I told myself that the little woman with bug eyes and a woman's body was just a mayfly, that I only thought it was a fairy because I was a little girl.

Until she showed up again.

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