Saturday, June 22, 2019

I can't go home again, either, PART 2

Funny where my mind went last time. I've been a shadow of myself lately, and that concerns me, but I have had this urge to write.

"The Last Black Man in San Francisco" is sure to fuel even more hate for us "invaders" even though I doubt most of the tech hating isolationists using it as an excuse to hate anything and everything that isn't ensconced in their own gilded memory will actually go out and see it. They just want to talk about how terrible it is that "Those People" have destroyed "their city" and in my experience, people who are xenophobic by nature don't make an effort to actually see movies made by black people while they are still in the original theatrical release. Not that distributors make it easy for anyone to see a movie made by black people even in 2019. It really doesn't seem to matter how many "Moonlight"s get made, you still need to go to Palo Alto to see "The Last Black Man in San Francisco"

Try being a Huges Brothers fan in Howell, Michigan in the 90's. You notice these things. I'm surprised how little it's changed. It doesn't seem to matter how many hits and Oscar Darlings are made by black folks these days, you still have to have the reflexes of a sniper to actually catch one on the big screen in theatres.

Yes. I'm a white girl, so I guess I don't have the authority to speak on this. Except for being a Hughes Brothers fan in Howell Michigan in the 90s. You couldn't even see a Spike Lee Joint in Livingston County.

I've lived in this apartment almost 8 years.

Jesus, I'm old.

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